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Boman Irani’s Character Creation Process

Here is a peek into the process that Boman Irani follows for each memorable character that he brings to life on the silver screen. It’s a clearly defined, step by step process. It begins with breaking the character down… starting from the inside. Who is this character? What is his background? How does he think? How does he react? What are the dominant emotions that rule him?

The next step is to move outward. How does the inner character affect his outward being? How does this character speak and move and behave? What quirks does he have? How does he deal with the other characters?

Now the character is ready but the hard work is far from being over. On the contrary, it gets harder – the script readings… the rehearsals… the subtle shifts in persona. What emerges from all this? An exciting new character… essayed by Boman Irani in his very own inimitable style… another Professor Virus, a Dr Asthana or a Vardaan.


Interestingly, P Mark Mustard Oil – for which Boman Irani is the Brand Ambassador – also follows a painstaking step by step process to ensure quality, purity and customer satisfaction. The first step is to source high grade seeds from India’s finest mustard growing regions. Next, the seeds undergo stringent laboratory testing on as many as fourteen parameters before entering the production process – a process that incorporates 52 Quality Checks along the way.

The result: quality that never wavers and a product experience that consumers have come to trust across generations… since 1933, to be exact.

Two different worlds… with a common thread running through; and whether it’s a dazzling character played by Boman Irani or a trusted product from P Mark Mustard Oil, the process of creation is largely the same… moving step by step towards excellence.

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