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Understanding Mustard Oil

Updated: Jul 31


Today, consumers are pretty much surrounded by positive views and opinions on Mustard Oil. Doctors, nutritionists and dieticians are talking about its health benefits. Chefs are talking about its unique flavour and pungency. And medical research has regularly been unearthing some truly amazing powers that this oil has.

This positive buzz has caught the attention of many consumers who had either moved away from mustard oil or had never tried it. They were drawn back to mustard oil but, understandably, had two key questions. In this post, we seek to address those questions.

Why is Mustard Oil darker and heavier than the refined oil I used earlier?

The lighter look-and-feel of refined oils is created artificially using chemical processes. The lighter texture is because the gums and resins have been removed and the lighter look stems from the oil being bleached to remove its natural colour. On the other hand Mustard Oil is cold-pressed and 100 per cent natural. Its darker and heavier colour and texture are part of its natural characteristics.

Why is Mustard Oil pungent?

Pungency is the defining characteristic of pure Mustard Oil. The pungent principle in this oil is activated by an enzyme called myronsinase and a glucosinolate called sinigrin. When mustard seeds are crushed at low temperature, these combine to produce allyl isothiocyanate or AITC. AITC gives Mustard Oil its typical pungency. It also gives the oil very powerful cancer-fighting properties.

So for those of you still sitting on the fence, go ahead and take the plunge. Embrace Mustard Oil and enjoy its flavour, aroma, heart-friendliness and numerous other health benefits.

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