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16 Apr 2014

Puri Oil Mills distributes school bags at Tusang Village School

Puri Oil Mills Limited distributed school bags to all the students of the school in Tusang village, district Karnal, Haryana as part of its social responsibility and commitment to the welfare of the villages adjoining to its micro hydel projects at Mussapur and Khukhani.

CSR 'Ma Ki Roti inaugration' - Anurag Sharma welcoming ADM Nidhi Patel (1).jpg

Karnal, April 16, 2014: A team of senior officials came from Puri Oil Mills Limited and distributed school bags to all the students of the school in Tusang village, district Karnal, Haryana as part of its social responsibility and commitment to the welfare of the villages adjoining to its micro hydel projects at Mussapur and Khukhani.

During bags distribution, head master of Tusang village school Mr. Rajesh Kumar said, “Puri Oil Mills Limited takes a great interest in such charitable initiatives and works. They have also donated water coolers, fans, etc. to the school. Children are the wealth of any nation. We hope all of these efforts will show the importance of investing in children as they are our future and we must protect and care for them so that they can become responsible citizen of the world”.

The distribution of school bags commenced at Tusang Village School around 11.00 am where the students had gathered for the distribution. Apart from school students, theprincipal, teachers, sarpanch of village Mr. Shyam Singh and other senior officials of Puri Oil Mills Limited and various respected elders of Tusang village were also present on the occasion.

Puri Oil Mills operates the Mussapur hydel power plant near village Tusang since last couple of years and has been providing electricity to the state grid at Gari Birbal. The micro hydel power project have brought prosperity and happiness to the local population as it has resulted in infrastructure development by constructing good quality roads, local employment generation for skilled and semi-skilled workers, maintenance and other areas.

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