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Supporting the Mustard Mission: A Step Towards a Healthier India

Updated: Jul 18

Supporting the Mustard Mission: A Step Towards a Healthier India
Supporting the Mustard Mission: A Step Towards a Healthier India

For more than a decade, Puri Oil Mills Limited (the makers of P Mark Mustard Oil) has been recommending the establishment of a Mustard Oil Development Board for promoting Mustard Oil across its entire value chain from the farm to manufacturing and use by consumers. Against this backdrop, it is gratifying to find that the Government of India has launched a Mustard Mission aimed at increasing both – mustard yield as well as mustard cultivation.

According to estimates drawn up by the Union Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, the production of mustard during the current crop year (July 2020 to June 2021) is expected to rise to 120 lakh tonnes, against an annual average of 90 lakh tonnes. The Mustard Research Directorate (set up under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research) attributes this rise to a favourable outlook on the part of mustard farmers along with favourable weather conditions.

The Mustard Mission will focus on enhancing mustard cultivation in 368 districts located in 11 mustard growing states across India. The Mission will promote the use of high-yield seed varieties to increase the yield per acre from 20 per cent to 100 per cent.

At Puri Oil Mills Limited, we see the Mustard Mission as a step in the right direction, taking India closer to the establishment of a Mustard Oil Development Board which would look after the interests of all stakeholders – mustard farmers, manufacturers, marketers and consumers. This institution can be created along the lines of the International Olive Council, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board and the American Soybean Association – all of which have been successful in promoting the interests of their stakeholders.

As a “Made in India” brand with a track record spanning more than 85 years in the edible oil business, we extend our wholehearted support to Mission Mustard.

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